Sunday, April 15, 2012

Top 5 Nutrition Myths

Taken from:

Daily we receive contradicting nutrition advice from the media, our doctors, friends and colleagues. That's because studies are being done consistently, reported, then taken as the word of God. Before you listen to any nutritional advice, be sure the source is valid and the study has been done over a number of years.
Here are some of the top nutrition myths that I'm sure you may be listening to:

Sea salt is better for you than table salt. Not true since both salts have the same nutritionals values, even though sea salt is marketed as a more natural and healthy choice. One tsp of either has 2,300 mg of sodium. It's recommended that we consume only 1,500 mg or less daily. I find the sea salt is better in flavour and texture, meaning you may use less, which is a health advantage. If you have thyroid issues, table salt contains iodine which may benefit

Diet soda is harmless How can a drink with zero calories be harmful to our health? The issue lies in the sweetener such as sucralose or aspartame which can whet our appetite for more sweet foods. Studies show that those drinking three diet beverages a day had a 40 per cent increase in risk of being obese. As well it has been linked to kidney damage, heart attack and stroke risk. Research is ongoing. It's best to drink good old H2O or sparkling

Back in the '90s, low-fat foods took over our supermarkets. Low fat equalled weight loss. But no one looked at the fact that weight didn't rely on fat alone. Excess calories and sugar could still be present in excess when fat was reduced to make up for the taste. In desserts that are low fat, there is usually an increase in sugar, which equals more calories. The type of fat matters as well. Healthy fats such as olive, peanut, canola and grapeseed oil are mono and unsaturated, which are the healthiest.

Energy drinks are better than regular soda With names like Red Bull, Full Throttle, Rock Star and Monster, you're going to feel like The Terminator after you down one! Yes there are B vitamins, amino acids and herbs, but don't let that fool you. The sugar content is often as high as 17 teaspoons, or 68 grams per serving, which alone is about 280 calories. You should limit your intake to 40 grams of sugar a day. That's about 80 more calories than in your typical 16 oz soft drink. And forget about the B

Granola is healthy for you Granola is made from whole rolled oats, which alone is healthy for you. If you stopped there you'd be fine! The problem is that those natural oats are now covered in sugar with added nuts, dried fruits and excess oil which increases the calories, fat and sugar. Maybe a handful for a quick snack is fine, but not as a daily breakfast. Your best bet is to have 100 per cent oatmeal cooked in milk, adding a little brown sugar, cinnamon and even maple syrup for taste. Th

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